Jacobson Elementary School

Congratulations to all our participants! Prizes have been awarded for the overall readers’ favorite (as determined by votes and star ratings), The Toucan Award for a great writer/illustrator partnership, and the Mister Lemur Award, which is given to the best representation of a Mister Lemur story.

The judges have laughed, they have cried, and now they have come to a decision on this year’s winners…[drum roll please]…

And the winners are…

Mister Lemur’s Train of Thought Award:
Home Alone Jitters by Rylee and Philippa (6th Grade)

The Toucan Award:
“The Old Car” by Jane and Scout (6th Grade)

Readers’ Choice Awards:
Kindergarten – “The Lemur Bus” by Nate
1st Grade – “School” by Nora
2nd Grade – “The Spider on a Pirate Ship” by Anika
3rd Grade – “Birds” by Nate and Alex
4th Grade – “Food” by Sydney and Caitlynn
5th Grade – “Doug the Slug” by Daniel and Hannah
6th Grade – “Double Jointer” by Morgan

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

To see a collection of poems
from all the Mister Lemur schools: Follow Me on Pinterest

Also, check out these wonderful thank you cards created by Jacobson students. Mister Lemur had so much fun at your school. Thank YOU for making it such a wonderful experience!

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Thanks for your participation and remember…

“Stop to read good writers who are witty and are fun…’cause that’s the kind of fuel on which your Train of Thought will run!”

Keep Reading!